No Words

For nearly a month I’ve failed, miserably, in each effort to properly convey the magnitude of a moment. Words ignored reasonable requests to line up into sentences. I couldn’t even get a clause. Often, an over-worked, well-intentioned adjective made it around the block, always alone with no modifier for support, to provide a lackluster response. Sure, it was amazing, emotional, incredible, and phenomenal, but so are many other things. This event cried out for a vibrant description, but the lexicon was locked. When a lazy adverb showed up and just sort of hung there, I waged war, began dragging words onto the page and here I am.

I stood on the mall that day, looking at the people around me. What I saw defied logic and even then, I knew I would never be able to express it verbally, still I tried. Words knew better. All I will say is there was a convergence of past and present, spirit and flesh, hope fulfilled and dreams realized. If I am never able to adequately express the feeling, I was there. So were they.

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